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Vegetable Nutrition

Does Lemon Remove Tan ?



Does Lemon Remove Tan ?

When you’re tanning yourself on the beach, you might have noticed that many people put lemon juice on their skin before exposing themselves to the sun. Is it true that this will remove your tan? Let’s find out in this article.

Lemon juice is one of the most popular ingredients for tan removal because it contains ascorbic acid, which helps prevent the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its natural color.

Does Rubbing Lemon On The Skin Remove Sun Tan ?

Yes, Rubbing Lemon on the skin can help you to get rid of sun tan because Lemon is a natural ingredient and when applied to the face, it contains a chemical called limonene which helps to lighten brown spots and stains on the skin. Lemon juice can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

How To Remove Tan With Lemon ?

Do you want to remove tan from your skin but don’t know how? Here’s a simple and effective way to remove tan with lemon: 

  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto a cotton ball.
  • Apply the lemon juice to the desired area.
  • Leave the lemon juice on for at least five minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

If you’re looking to remove a tan with lemon, be sure to follow all the steps carefully. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and it works best when used in conjunction with other sun-protective measures, such as using sunscreen and wearing a hat.

There is a lot of confusion about lemon and tanning. Some people believe that rubbing lemon on their skin will remove any tan, while others believe it only makes the tan more visible. The truth is that neither of these claims is completely true – but there are some benefits to using lemon if you’re looking to get a little bit of color back in your skin.

Whether you use it as part of your regular beauty routine or just for special occasions, keep in mind that lemon can help lighten up your skin tone and even your complexion.

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Fruit Nutrition

The 9 Best Diet Plans for Your Overall Health




The 9 Best Diet Plans for Your Overall Health

Numerous diets offer benefits that go past weight misfortune. The finest programs for losing weight moreover progress your by and significant wellbeing. The greatest challenge is finding the one that will work for you.

Diets aren’t fair for weight misfortune. Whereas changing your count of calories can be one of the leading ways to lose weight, it can also be a portal to moving forward your propensities, centring on your wellbeing, and driving a more dynamic lifestyle.

However, the number of accessible slim-down plans may make it troublesome to induce begun. Distinctive diets will be more appropriate, economical, and viable for diverse individuals.

A few diets point to checking your craving to decrease your nourishment admissions, whereas others recommend limiting your calorie intake and either carbs or fat. A few centres more on specific eating designs and way of life changes instead of on constraining certain nourishments.

What’s more, numerous offer wellbeing benefits that go past weight misfortune. 

Here are the nine best diet plans to help you improve your overall health.

1. The Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean count of calories has long been considered the gold standard for sustenance, infection anticipation, wellness, and life span. This can be based on its sustenance benefits and supportability. 

How it works

The Mediterranean diet is based on foods that people in countries like Italy and Greece have traditionally eaten. It is rich in:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • whole grains
  • fish
  • nuts
  • lentils
  • olive oil

Foods such as poultry, eggs, and dairy products must be eaten in moderation, and red meats are limited.

Additionally, the Mediterranean diet limits:

  • refined grains
  • trans fats
  • processed meats
  • added sugar
  • other highly processed foods

Health benefits

This diet’s accentuation on negligibly prepared nourishments and plants has been related to a diminished chance of different inveterate maladies and expanded life anticipation. Ponders moreover appear that the Mediterranean slim-down contains a preventive impact against certain cancers.

Even though the count of calories was outlined to lower heart illness hazard, various things demonstrate that its plant-based, tall, unsaturated fat, dietary design can also help in weight misfortune.

A precise audit analyzing five diverse ponders found that, compared with a moo fat slim down, the Mediterranean eat less brought about more noteworthy weight misfortune after one year. Compared with a moo carb eating less, it created comparable weight misfortune.

In more than 500 grown-ups over 12 months, one considered that higher adherence to a Mediterranean count of calories was related to twofold the probability of weight misfortune support.

Also, the Mediterranean slim-down empowers eating a bounty of antioxidant-rich nourishments, which may offer assistance in combatting irritation and oxidative stretch by neutralizing free radicals. 

Other benefits

Recent studies have also found that the Mediterranean diet is associated with a decreased risk of mental disorders, including cognitive decline and depression. 

Eating less meat is also associated with a more sustainable diet for the planet.


Since the Mediterranean eats less and does not emphasize dairy items, it’s critical to create beyond any doubt you still get sufficient calcium and vitamin D in your counted calories.


The Mediterranean slim down emphasizes eating a bounty of natural products, vegetables, angel, and sound oils, whereas confining refined and exceedingly handled nourishments.

Whereas it’s not a weight misfortune to eat less, it can advance weight misfortune and general wellbeing. 

2. The DASH diet

Dietary Approaches to Halt Hypertension, or Sprint, is an eating arrangement outlined to assist in treating or avoiding high blood weight, which is clinically known as hypertension.

It emphasizes eating a bounty of natural products, vegetables, whole grains, and incline meats. It is moo in salt, ruddy meat, including sugars, and fat.

While the Sprint slim down isn’t a weight misfortune slim down, numerous individuals report losing weight on it. 

How it works

The Sprint eat less prescribes particular servings of diverse nourishment bunches. The number of servings you’re empowered to eat depends on your every day calorie admissions.

For case, each day an normal individual on the Sprint slim down would eat approximately:

  • five servings of vegetables
  • five servings of fruit
  • seven servings of healthy carbs like whole grains
  • two servings of low fat dairy products
  • two servings or fewer of lean meats

In addition, it’s recommended to consume nuts and seeds two to three times per week 

Health benefits

The Sprint slim down has been appeared to decrease blood weight levels and a few heart illness hazard components. Too, it may offer assistance lower your chance of breast and colorectal cancers

Thinks about appear that the Sprint count calories can moreover assist you lose weight. For illustration, an examination of 13 considers found that individuals on the Sprint count calories misplaced more weight over 8–24 weeks than individuals on a control count calories

Another consider in grown-ups with corpulence over 12 weeks found that the Sprint slim down made a difference in diminishing add up to body weight, body fat rate, and supreme fat mass in consider members, whereas protecting muscle quality 

Other benefits

In expansion to weight misfortune, the Sprint slim down may offer assistance combat misery side effects

A comparative ponder over 8 a long time found that indeed direct adherence to the Sprint eat less was related to lower sadness chance 


Whereas the Sprint eat less may help with weight misfortune and lower blood weight in people with hypertension, there’s blended prove on salt admissions and blood weight.

Eating as well small salt has been connected to expanded affront resistance, and a moo sodium diet isn’t the proper choice for everyone.

A moo sodium eat less, just like the Sprint slim down, is more fitting for people with hypertension or other wellbeing conditions that benefit from or require sodium limitation

More investigate is required in this range to get it how a moo sodium count calories can influence affront resistance in people without hypertension. 


The DASH diet is a low-salt diet that has been shown to aid with weight loss.

Studies have also linked it to additional benefits for your heart and reduced risks of other chronic diseases.

3. Plant-based and flexitarian diets

Vegetarianism and veganism are the foremost prevalent forms of plant-based diets, which limit creature items for wellbeing, moral, and natural reasons.

In any case, more adaptable plant-based diets too exist, such as the flexitarian slim down. This can be a plant-based slim down that permits eating creature items in balance. 

How it works

Commonplace vegan diets confine meat of all sorts but permit dairy items. Ordinary veggie lover diets confine all creature items, counting dairy, butter, and now and then other byproducts like nectar.

The flexitarian eating arrange does not have clear-cut rules or proposals almost calories and macronutrients, so it’s considered more of a way of life than a count calories. Its standards incorporate:

  • consuming protein from plants instead of animals
  • eating mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains
  • eating the least processed, most natural forms of foods
  • limiting sugar and sweets

Additionally, it allows the flexibility to consume meat and animal products from time to time.

Health benefits

Various considers have appeared that plant-based diets can decrease your chance of creating persistent illnesses, counting progressed markers of metabolic wellbeing, diminished blood weight, and decreased chance of sort 2 diabetes. They can too assist you lose weight

Flexitarian diets have moreover been appeared to decrease the chance of sort 2 diabetes and make strides metabolic wellbeing and blood weight, furthermore may have their claim weight misfortune benefits. 

Other benefits

For those who are looking to lead a sustainable lifestyle, decreasing your meat consumption can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and soil degradation 


Plant-based eating designs like vegetarianism and veganism can in some cases be troublesome to preserve and may feel confining, particularly in case you’re exchanging from a more meat-based eating fashion.

And whereas the adaptability of the flexitarian eat less makes it simple to take after, being as well adaptable with it may neutralize its benefits.


Plant-based diets like veganism and vegetarianism can have genuine wellbeing benefits, such as a diminished chance of sort 2 diabetes, tall blood weight, and tall cholesterol. Be that as it may, they can moreover feel confining for a few individuals.

The flexitarian count calories may be a less strict form of a plant-based count calories that permits for negligible meat and creature item utilization. 

4. The MIND diet

The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet combines aspects of the Mediterranean and DASH diets to create an eating pattern that focuses on brain health.

How it works

Like the flexitarian diet, the MIND diet does not have a strict meal plan, but instead encourages eating 10 specific foods with brain health benefits.

Per week, MIND includes eating:

  • six or more servings of green, leafy vegetables
  • one serving of non-starchy vegetables
  • five or more servings of nuts

Other foods it encourages multiple times a week include:

  • berries
  • beans
  • olive oil
  • whole grains
  • fish
  • poultry

Health benefits

Inquire about appears that the Intellect count calories may diminish a person’s hazard of creating Alzheimer’s malady, and ponders appear that the Intellect eat less is predominant to other plant-rich diets for making strides cognition

Inquire about moreover appears that the Intellect down can offer assistance to moderate cognitive decrease and progress resiliency in more seasoned grown-ups

It may moreover offer assistance delay the onset of the development clutter Parkinson’s infection

There’s small investigate concerning the Intellect count calories and weight misfortune. Yet, since it may be a combination of two diets that advance weight misfortune, the Intellect eat less may too assist you lose weight.

One way it can offer assistance advance weight misfortune is that it energizes constraining your utilization of nourishments like:

  • butter
  • cheese
  • red meat
  • fried food
  • sweets

However, more research needs to be done concerning the MIND diet and weight loss.

Other benefits

By combining the best of two diets, the MIND diet has a lot to offer and offers some more flexibility than stricter diets.

While you can eat more than the 10 food groups it recommends, the closer you stick to the diet, the better your results may be.


The MIND diet combines aspects of the Mediterranean and DASH diets and may help reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

However, more research needs to be done to evaluate its ability to help you lose weight.

The 9 Best Diet Plans for Your Overall Health2

5. WW (formerly Weight Watchers)

once Weight Watchers, is one of the foremost prevalent weight misfortune programs around the world.

Whereas it doesn’t confine any nourishment bunches, individuals on a WW arrange must eat inside their set number of every day focuses to assist them reach their perfect weight 

How it works

WW is a points-based system that assigns different foods and beverages a value, depending on their calorie, fat, and fiber contents.

As you work to reach your desired weight, you must stay within your daily point allowance.

Health benefits

Numerous ponders appear that the WW program can assist you lose weight

For case, a survey of 45 thinks about found that individuals who taken after a WW count calories misplaced 2.6% more weight than individuals who gotten standard counseling

What’s more, individuals who take after WW programs have been appeared to be more effective at keeping up weight misfortune after a few a long time, compared with those who take after other diets 

Other benefits

WW allows flexibility, which makes it easy to follow. This enables people with dietary restrictions, such as those with food allergies, to adhere to the plan.


Whereas it permits for adaptability, WW can be expensive depending on the membership arrange and the length of time you proposed to take after it.

Thinks about appear that it may take up to 52 weeks to create critical weight misfortune and clinical benefits

Furthermore, its adaptability can be a ruin in the event that dieters select unfortunate nourishments. 


WW, or Weight Watchers, is a weight loss and healthy eating program that uses a points-based system.

Studies show that it’s effective for long-term weight loss and highly flexible.

6. Intermittent fasting

Irregular fasting may be a dietary methodology that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

Different shapes exist, counting the 16/8 strategy, which includes restricting your calorie admissions to 8 hours per day. There’s moreover the 5:

2 strategy, which limits your day-by-day calorie admissions to 500–600 calories twice per week.

Whereas it’s fundamentally known as a eat less for weight misfortune, discontinuous fasting may have effective benefits for both your body and brain. 

How it works

Intermittent fasting restricts the time you’re allowed to eat, which is a simple way to reduce your calorie intake. This can lead to weight loss — unless you compensate by eating too much food during allowed eating periods.

Health benefits

Irregular fasting has been connected to anti-aging impacts, expanded affront affectability, made strides brain wellbeing, decreased irritation, and numerous other benefits

Both creature and human thinks about appear that discontinuous fasting may moreover increment heart wellbeing and amplify life expectancy

It can moreover assist you lose weight.

In a survey of considers, discontinuous fasting was appeared to cause 0.8–13% weight misfortune over a period of 2 weeks to 1 year. Typically a essentially more noteworthy rate than numerous other strategies

Others thinks about found that irregular fasting can increment fat burning while protecting muscle mass, which can make strides digestion system 

Other benefits

Whereas certain diets can have a parcel of rules, require visit trips to the basic supply store, and can be troublesome to take after, discontinuous fasting is known as a more simple-to-follow eating arrange.

Due to the nature of the count calories, there are less suppers that you simply have to be plan, cook, and clean up after. 


In common, discontinuous fasting is secure for most solid grown-ups.

That said, those touchy to drops in their blood sugar levels ought to conversation with a wellbeing proficient some time recently beginning discontinuous fasting. These bunches incorporate individuals:

  • who have diabetes
  • who have low weight
  • who have an eating disorder
  • who are pregnant
  • who are breastfeeding or chestfeeding


Intermittent fasting cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

It has been shown to aid with weight loss and is linked to many other health benefits.

7. The Volumetrics diet

The Volumetrics diet was created by Penn State University nutrition professor Barbara Rolls and is meant to be a long-term lifestyle change rather than a strict diet.

How it works

The eating arrange is outlined to advance weight misfortune by having you fill up on nutrient-dense nourishments that are moo in calories and tall in water.

In the interim, it limits calorie-dense nourishments like treats, candies, nuts, seeds, and oils.

The Volumetrics count calories separates nourishment into four categories based on food’s calorie thickness, which can be calculated with a equation made by . These categories are:

  • Category one: includes foods of very low calorie density, like non-starchy fruits and vegetables, nonfat milk, and broth-based soup
  • Category two: includes low-calorie-dense foods, like starchy fruits and vegetables, grains, breakfast cereal, low-fat meat, legumes, and low-fat mixed dishes like chili
  • Category three: includes medium calorie-dense foods, like meat, cheese, pizza, bread, and ice cream
  • Category four: includes high calorie-dense foods, like crackers, chips, chocolate candies, nuts, butter, and oil

Suppers on the Volumetric slim down comprise for the most part of nourishments from categories one and two, with constrained sums of nourishment from categories three and four.

No nourishments are off-limits on the Volumetrics slim down, and work out is energized for at least 30–60 minutes daily. 

Health benefits

The Volumetrics count calories empower nutritious nourishments that are low in calories but tall in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, which may offer assistance in incrementing your admissions of key supplements and ensuring against wholesome lacks.

Inquire about moreover joins diets with a moo calorie thickness to progressed eat less quality

Also, it limits the sum of prepared nourishments you’ll eat, which can diminish your chance of creating certain cancers and heart illness

The Volumetrics slim down may too assist you lose weight.

A survey of 13 ponders in more than 3,000 individuals found that diets wealthy in moo calorie thickness nourishments driven to expanded weight misfortune. So also, an 8-year ponder in more than 50,000 ladies found that tall calorie-dense nourishments driven to expanded weight pick up 


Whereas the Volumetrics slim down may be successful for wellbeing benefits and weight misfortune, it requires a great understanding of Volumetrics, which includes learning almost the calorie levels of nourishments in connection to parcel sizes and supplement levels.

This may be simpler for a few compared to others.


The Volumetrics is outlined to advance weight misfortune by having you fill up on nutrient-dense nourishments that are moo in calories and tall in water.

Whereas it may assist you lose weight, it requires a great understanding of Volumetrics and the calorie levels of nourishments

8. The Mayo Clinic Diet

The Diet was created by the reputable medical organization of the same name.

How it works

Outlined to be a way of life alter over a speedy settle, the Mayo Clinic Slim down centers on supplanting less solid behaviors with ones that are more likely to back life span and weight misfortune.

Instead of forbidding certain nourishments, the Mayo Clinic Eat less employments a pyramid to empower work out and outline amounts of nourishments you ought to be devouring.

Natural products, vegetables, and physical action make up the base of the pyramid, followed by carbs within the another layer, at that point protein and dairy, fats, and at last, desserts.

The slim down comprises of two stages. An introductory, 2-week stage outlined to kick-start your weight misfortune by presenting 5 more beneficial propensities and empowering you to break 5 common less solid propensities.

The moment stage is more of a way of life alter outlined to be taken after long-term, empowering instruction almost nutritious nourishment choices and parcel sizes in expansion to being physically dynamic. 

Health benefits

Small inquire about is accessible around the wellbeing benefits of the Mayo Clinic Count calories.

In any case, the Mayo Clinic tells clients to anticipate almost 10 pounds of weight misfortune amid the primary 2 weeks, and up to 2 pounds amid the moment stage.

Since diets wealthy in fiber can increase satiety by making you are feeling more full, the Mayo Clinic Count calories may contribute to weight misfortune. It may moreover diminish your hazard of creating sort 2 diabetes

Moreover, it appears that working out on a lower-calorie slim-down is more viable for advancing weight misfortune than slimming down alone

Be that as it may, more inquire about is required to decide the viability of the Mayo Clinic Eat less for weight misfortune. 


Whereas the computerized adaptation of the program incorporates supper plans, formulas, a nourishment tracker, virtual bunch sessions, at-home workouts, and more, it’ll taken a toll you month to month to purchase into the program.


The Mayo Clinic Count calories utilizes an easy-to-follow pyramid to energize work out and a eat less wealthy in natural products and vegetables.

Whereas makers tell devotees of the slim down to anticipate approximately 10 pounds of weight loss amid the primary 2 weeks, more investigate should be done to completely get it its wellbeing benefits. 

9. Low carb diets

Moo carb diets are among the foremost prevalent diets for weight misfortune. Cases incorporate the Atkins eat less, ketogenic (keto) count calories, and moo carb, tall fat (LCHF) slim down.

A few assortments diminish carbs more definitely than others. For occurrence, very low-carb diets just like the keto eat less and confine this macronutrient to beneath 10% of add up to calories, compared with 30% or less for other sorts 

How it works

Moo carb diets confine your carb admissions in favor of protein and fat.

They’re regularly higher in protein than moo fat diets, which is critical, as protein can offer assistance check your craving, raise your digestion system, and moderates muscle mass

In exceptionally moo carb diets like keto, your body starts utilizing greasy acids instead of carbs for vitality by changing over them into ketones. This prepare is called ketosis 

Health benefits

Investigate proposes that moo carb diets may decrease hazard variables for heart illness, counting high cholesterol and blood weight levels. They may too move forward blood sugar and affront levels in individuals with sort 2 diabetes

Numerous ponders demonstrate that moo carb diets can help weight misfortune and may be more viable than customary moo fat count calories

For case, a survey of 53 thinks about made up of 68,128 members found that moo carb diets come about in essentially more weight misfortune than moo fat diets

What’s more, moo carb diets show up to be very viable at burning destructive paunch fat 


In a few cases, a moo carb slim down may raise LDL (terrible) cholesterol levels. Exceptionally moo carb diets can too be troublesome to take after and cause stomach related disturbed in a few individuals

In exceptionally uncommon circumstances, taking after a really moo carb slim down may cause a condition known as ketoacidosis, a unsafe metabolic condition that can be deadly on the off chance that cleared out untreated 


Low-carb diets restrict your carb intake, which encourages your body to use more fat as fuel.

They can help you lose weight and offer many other benefits.

Frequently asked questions

What is the very best diet plan?

There isn’t one eat less that can be said to be the leading. Numerous diets can assist you lose weight and offer special wellbeing benefits.

A few of the foremost prevalent eating plans incorporate the Mediterranean count calories, WW (Weight Watchers), the Intellect slim down, the Sprint eat less, irregular fasting, plant-based diets, low-carb diets, the Mayo Clinic Slim down, and the Volumetrics count calories. 

Which diet is most successful for weight loss?

Whereas different diets have been appeared to be compelling for weight misfortune, the eat less you select ought to depend on your way of life and nourishment inclinations. This guarantees that you just are more likely to stay to it within the long term. That said, what count calories works for you will too depend on your body and in general state of wellbeing. 

How can I lose 20 pounds in a month?

Whereas it may be conceivable to shed twenty lbs in a month, this isn’t prescribed. A more secure and more reasonable approach to weight misfortune is to center on slowly losing weight through a combination of a adjusted count calories and work out. This will assist you stay solid whereas keeping the weight off within the long run. 

The bottom line

Slimming down isn’t close to weight misfortune. Numerous diets provide additional health benefits. To induce the leading result, you wish to discover the program that works for your specific needs. The greatest difficulty is discovering which one that will be.

Some time recently beginning any kind of unused slim down, it’s continuously a great thought to conversation together with your specialist about your individual wellbeing history. They can assist you decide which arrange would work best for you.

Once you’ve chosen to begin a modern count calories, a enlisted dietitian can assist you explore the unused rules and assist you arrange suppers that you simply really need to eat. 

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Vegetable Nutrition

Can We Eat Apples During Periods?




Can We Eat Apples During Periods?

Yes, you can eat apples during your period & Apples are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, all of which can benefit women’s health.

Fiber can help regulate bowel movements and reduce the risk of constipation, a common problem during menstruation. Potassium can help regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease, which can be a problem for women during their reproductive years. And vitamin C is essential for healthy skin and can help to reduce the severity of PMS symptoms.


One of the most popular fruits in the world, apples come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. There are more than 7,500 known varieties of apples, but the most common type is the Red Delicious.

Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, and they may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. They also contain a compound called ursolic acid, which has been shown to boost muscle mass and reduce body fat.

Apples are versatile fruit and can be juiced or used in smoothies, salads or desserts.

What is the best time to eat apples during your period?

The best time to eat apples during your period is in the morning, as they are a light breakfast option that will give you sustained energy throughout the day.

The beneficial effects of apples during menstruation may be because apples are a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fibre can help to regulate bowel movements and can help to reduce the symptoms of constipation, which many women experience during their period. Apples are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is often a contributing factor to the symptoms of PMS.

However, it is important to note that apples contain high sugar. Too much sugar can actually worsen PMS symptoms. For this reason, it is important to moderate your intake of apples if you are experiencing PMS symptoms


Eating apples during periods can be a healthy and beneficial choice as they are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, which can benefit women’s health. The fiber in apples can help regulate bowel movements and reduce constipation, while potassium can regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Vitamin C can promote healthy skin and reduce the severity of PMS symptoms. The best time to eat apples during your period is in the morning as a light breakfast option to sustain your energy throughout the day. However, as apples contain high sugar, it is important to moderate your intake if you are experiencing PMS symptoms. Overall, apples are a versatile fruit that can be included in a healthy and balanced diet.

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Vegetable Nutrition

Mustard Seeds Nutrition in Hindi- सरसों के बीज में पोषक तत्वों की मात्रा




Mustard Seeds Nutrition in Hindi- सरसों के बीज में पोषक तत्वों की मात्रा

Mustard Seeds in Hindi- सरसों के बीज में मौजूद पोषक तत्व

आज का हमारा आर्टिकल Mustard Seeds Nutrition in Hindi से संबंधित है

Mustard seeds nutrition facts-

सरसों के बीज से बना तेल भारतीय व्यंजन में प्रमुख रूप से अपनी भूमिका निभाता है। सरसों के बीज से बने तेल का सेवन करने से कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ मिलते हैं तथा यह खाने में महक और जायके को दुगना कर देता है। ‌ सरसों के दाने को तड़के में भी इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और यह खाने में खूब स्वाद देते हैं। ‌ सरसों के बीज में कैरोटीनायड, एंटीबैक्टीरियल, एंटीसेप्टिक, फाइटोकेमिकल्स, कॉपर, सेलेनियम, मैग्नीशियम, फास्फोरस, कैल्शियम, पोटेशियम, विटामिन ए, बी, ई, ओमेगा 3 फैटी एसिड आदि पोषक तत्व (Mustard Seeds Nutrition in Hindi) पाए जाते हैं। ‌ सरसों के बीज में मौजूद यह पोषक तत्व डायबिटीज, कैंसर तथा दिल से संबंधित बीमारियों को ठीक करने में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभाते हैं। सरसों में मौजूद पोषक तत्व शरीर में रोगों से संबंधित प्रभाव को कम कर शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने में सहायता करते हैं। ‌ सरसों के बीज में मौजूद पोषक तत्व हड्डियों को मजबूत करने के लिए भी सहायक होते हैं इसीलिए खाने में सरसों के तेल का सेवन जरूर करना चाहिए। ‌ सरसों के बीज में कैलोरी काफी कम मात्रा में पाई जाती है।

Mustard seeds nutritional value per 100g-

प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में पोषक तत्वों की मात्रा निम्नलिखित है-:

  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 34.94 ग्राम कार्बोहाइड्रेट की मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 6.89 ग्राम शुगर पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 14.7 ग्राम डाइटरी फाइबर पाया जाता है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 28.76 ग्राम वसा पाया जाता है। ‌
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 24.94 ग्राम प्रोटीन पाया जाता है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 0.543 मिलीग्राम विटामिन b1 पाया जाता है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 0.381 मिलीग्राम विटामिन b2 पाया जाता है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 7.890 मिलीग्राम नियासिन पाया जाता है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 0.43 मिलीग्राम विटामिन बी6 पाया जाता है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 3 मिलीग्राम विटामिन सी की मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 2.89 मिलीग्राम विटामिन ई की मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में कैल्शियम की 521 मिलीग्राम मात्रा पाई जाती हैं।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में आयरन की 9.98 मिलीग्राम मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में मैग्नीशियम की 298 मिलीग्राम मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में फास्फोरस की 841 मिलीग्राम मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में पोटेशियम की 682 मिलीग्राम मात्रा पाई जाती हैं।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में सोडियम की 5 मिलीग्राम मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 5.7 मिलीग्राम जिंक की मात्रा पाई जाती है।
  • प्रति 100 ग्राम सरसों के बीज में 6.86 ग्राम पानी की मात्रा पाई जाती है।
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