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‘’Food Jankari(Food information)has been designed to help you make healthier choices in your diet.  We have created a handy guide for you to make sure that you have all the necessary information. Whether it is about what to eat or how to juice your fruits and veggies, Food Jankari will help you do it right!’’

Clean up your diet with Food Jankari! We are committed to providing all our users (new or experienced) with an overall healthy diet from food products that are packed with nutrients and vitamins that support our bodies in all aspects of life: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

From simple juicing to advanced nutrient infusions and detoxification, Food Jankari helps you reach your weight loss goals. We also offer a variety of juicing recipes for you to enjoy!

With our easy-to-follow recipe guide, you can quickly follow them at home. You can also choose from other than just fruits and vegetables. You can opt for recipes based on different spices, herbs and other basics like milk, water etc.

Enjoy the healthy & easy recipes for your body and mind!

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